Kai Uwe Faust
About Kai
If you want to heal the world, heal the world around you
Since 1999 studies of practical shamanism with FSS
(Foundation of shamanic studies, founded by Dr. Michael Harner).
Received lessons from now independent teachers like Olaf Bernhardt (schamanismus.e.V, Germany),
Tom Cowan (Society for shamanic practice, US) and Sandra Ingerman (US).
Several retreats into nature and singularity, also teachings received in
shamanic botany with Maestro Erdinjo and Maestro Eligio (Arkana spiritual centre, Peru).
Regular travels to Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
Visited sacred places worldwide, from Cambodija to Canada and many others.
Since 2000 re-enactment of viking period.
Since 2001 tattooing with core theme early mediaeval and antique european art,
later medical and shamanic aspects of traditional tattooing.
Learned basics from Astrid Köpfler in Living Art Studios, Germany.
2010 migration to Danmark, worked together with Erik Reime and Colin Dale
at Kunsten på Kroppen, the worlds oldest Nordic Tattoo studio.
Took over the studio in 2014.
Started Heilung together with Christopher Juul (Lava studios, Valravn, Euzen, Songleikr)
and Maria Franz (Lava Studios, Euzen, Songleikr) in 2014.Touring the world,
performing musical ceremonies with Heilung since 2017.
2021/22 Teachertraining - Schamanismus e.V.