Olaf Bernhardt,
first Chairman Shamanism e.V.

Shamanic practice since 1991.
Teacher of shamanism since 1993.
1993 to 2013 is a lecturer at the Foundation for shamanic studies.
2013 Foundation of the Schamanismus e.V.
First Chairman and Managing Director of Schamanismus e.V.
Numerous research trips to Germany, the USA, Italy, France, England, Austria,
Switzerland, Sardinia, Romania, Scandinavia, Faroe Island, Iceland
Book author "Spirits - Geister im Herzen" (2013, Arun-Verlag, Olaf Bernhardt with Jennie Appel)
Happy father of four children
Olaf Bernhardt about the Shamanism Seminars
The topics are different, but each of these seminars is about helping.
Since, from the shaman's point of view, everything that is, is alive and animate, people can,
animals, plants, stones, places and everything else that needs our and therefore the spirits' help.
In each of the seminars, many powerful techniques are practised in order to
to deal with all kinds of situations.
Often, these or similar techniques are already used before attending a seminar by
imparted by the spirits themselves, because they work with us right after
we have established contact with them.
Then the participants come to this or that seminar to learn more about it,
to create a more solid basis and to become more secure. The spirits welcome that,
they are very active at every seminar and not infrequently create tasks only
so that the participants can practise.