Basic Workshop Shamanism

The beginners' seminar for the shamanic path
The basic seminar teaches the basic requirements for the application of shamanic techniques.
This includes contact with one's allies (the helping spirits) and the shamanic journey.
In addition to the basic requirements, this seminar will also cover others,
practised techniques useful for getting started.
This beginners' seminar is therefore a prerequisite for all further seminars,
except for the drum building workshop.
The basic seminar lasts two days and has so far been offered in Dortmund, Hanover, Leipzig, Dresden, Frankfurt, Gießen, Hamburg, Kassel, Limburg, Wetzlar, Magdeburg, Paderborn and Würzburg.
Seminar description
The basic seminar on shamanism is the beginners' seminar on the path of the heart, the path of the shaman.
Shamanism is the oldest method of attaining health and knowledge.
Tried and tested for a long time, shamans still work today in many parts of the world.
Shamans are the mediators between this world and the beyond.
In their work with the spirits, they find what was thought to be lost and
are companions on the way to the world beyond.
They are midwives, mediators between the worlds, advisors and healers.
There is a natural relationship between the spirits and us humans, a deep bond.
This has existed at least since we were born.
That is why the rediscovered contact, especially with the power animal, is a "reunion" for many.
Most people are not aware of them, although they have been with us since birth.
The foundation of all shamanic work is the conscious contact with one's own guardian spirits.
The shaman has many spirits at his side as he/she entrusts multiple tasks.
Anyone who practices shamanism to help others attracts more helpers and more power.
The reason for this lies in the nature of the spirits, their desire to help.
Seminar Contents
Spirits and our connection to them are a focus of this seminar.
We renew and expand our contact with our allied helping spirits.
We learn more about dealing with power animal and teacher,
whether as a companion in our lives or as a shamanic practitioner.
Shamanic work is based on the equal cooperation between human and spirit.
Another focus, in the basic seminar, is the world beyond ours.
The Otherworld, where we meet those spirits.
We learn how to get there and what worlds/levels we can find there.
In addition, we deal with first shamanic (healing) methods and the work with clients.
Cost: € 150.00 (early booker € 130.00)
Our discounts and administratives, career changers and repeaters,
find all the information here: Administratives, Discount and Repetition
Sonderseminar: Nordic Basic Seminar Extrem
What kind of seminar is this?
This seminar is a basic seminar on shamanism with an additional focus on
on possible shamanic roots in Northern Europe (Scandinavia).
For this reason, this basic seminar lasts three days instead of the normal two.
This seminar takes place exclusively in the Scandinavian region and also only in English.
The seminar "Nordic Basic Seminar Extreme" is held by Kai Uwe Faust together with Isabelle Streich.
. Here you will find all information: Nordic Basic Seminar Extreme
Workshop dates
Workshop | Date | Location | Teacher |
Basic Workshop | 04. and 05.02.2023 | Kiel | Isabella Streich |
Basic Workshop | 18 and 19.03.2023 Fully booked!!! | Heidelberg | Heiko Munz |
Basic Workshop | 15. and 16.04.2023 Fully booked!!! | 35633 Lahnau - in the yurt! | Olaf Bernhardt |
Basic Workshop | 03. and 04.06.2023 | 57610 Altenkirchen | Katja Reimann |
Basic Workshop | 24. and 25.06.2023 | 06193 Petersberg/ Halle | Heiko Sippenauer |
Basic Workshop | 08. and 09.07.2023 | Zürich/ Schweiz - Attention seminar fees 225,- CHF! | Klemens Schmelter |
Basic Workshop | 15. and 16.07.2023 | 35638 Leun-Lahnbahnhof | Katja Reimann |
Basic Workshop | 12. and 13.08.2023 | 35633 Lahnau - in the yurt! | Olaf Bernhardt |
Basic Workshop | 18. and 19.09.2023 | 75447 - Sternenfels, near Maulbronn | Sybille Fuchs (Guest lecturer) |
Basic Workshop | 30.09. and 01.10.2023 | Heidelberg | Heiko Munz |
Basic Workshop | 04. and 05.11.2023 | Leipzig | Heiko Sippenauer |
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