Soul and Healing in Shamanism

Soul loss and retrieval

If one looks up the word "soul", one finds, among other things, the
Explanation: "Soul = life force, independent of the body".
From a shamanic point of view, one can well adopt this description.

Sometimes in a person's life it happens that it is better to reduce one's own vitality.
or a situation is so traumatic for us that a part of us withdraws.

A child who grows up full of life and the desire to explore the world in an environment,

which prohibits the child from playing loudly and boisterously as is usual for children,
Under these circumstances, reduces its effervescent vitality by
to adapt to the situation and meet one's own need for harmony.

From a shamanic point of view, this child has separated a part of the soul.
Traumatic experiences or "not paying attention" can also lead to a loss of vitality.

Just like in a shock, we start an emergency programme. Everything runs in a reduced state.
Normally, the life force comes back to us on its own, but it can also stay away for a long time.
Then we feel empty, inhibited in our expression - not quite there.

Addictions such as drug addiction, consumerism, binge eating, etc. can temporarily mask this emptiness,
but just temporarily. The shamans know about these connections and with the help of their allies they find the lost or departed souls and bring them back.

Seminar Contents

Soul and Healing_Water in the Mist, Home of Souls

This seminar is all about the soul.

We learn under which circumstances the loss of soul parts can occur,
learn which symptoms and behaviours can go hand in hand with this.

As with all our seminars, we gather our insights through practical application.
We learn to find souls, to identify them beyond doubt and to bring them back.
We learn how to support the client and the soul to come together again and what to do to deal with the trauma of the loss.

Another point deals with the life force behind the parts of our body and organs.
This part of the seminar goes in the direction of treating physical complaints and postoperative trauma.

Location: 35633 Lahnau
Costs: 250,00 € (early booker 230,00 €)
Our discounts and administratives, career changers and repeaters,
find all the information here: Administratives, Discount and Repetition

Workshop dates

Workshop Date Location Teacher
Soul and Healing 08. to 10.09.2023 35633-Lahnau Olaf Bernhardt


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